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Volunteers NEEDED!


The success of the Cocoa Beach Lacrosse Program has created an urgent need for parent and student volunteers. From single game concession operators, to season long team managers and team parent positions, we need help.  None of the positions require lacrosse experience. For a partial list of the positions, descriptions, and estimated time commitment see below:

Game Day Volunteer Positions:

Positions Description
GameDay Coordinator (parent) Time Commitment: 2 to 2-1/2 hrs per game Function: Coordinates all game volunteers and works with team managers and coaches to ensure field and supporting equipment is ready. ● Arrives no later than 45 minutes prior to game time ● Ensures that goals, cones, Scorer’s Table, and Scoreboard are ready and/or in place for the game ● Ensures extra balls are placed behind each end line – Refresh at half time. ● Ensures Timer/Scorekeeper/Spotters are in-place (Finds replacements if needed) ● Lighting warning (communicate with COD, officials and coaches if lightning is seen) ● Assisting in Field shut-down and equipment/Game Clock storage if an additional game is not scheduled on that field.
Scoreboard Operator (parent) Time Commitment: 1- 1/2 to 2 hrs per game Function: Operates scoreboard maintaining time and score during game. ● Arrives no later than 20 minutes prior to game time. ● Operates Scoreboard/Clock during the entire game ● Operates Horn to indicate end of periods, and end of time-outs/half time.
Announcer (parent) Time Commitment: 1 -1/2 to 2 hrs per game Function: Announces game on PA ● Arrives no later than 20 minutes prior to game time.
Penalty Timer (parent) Time commitment: 1-1/2 to 2 hrs per game Function: Works with referees, coaches, and players to maintain player penalty time during the game. ● Arrives no later than 20 minutes prior to game time. ● Operates penalty/card stop watch and communicates with players/coaches when the penalty time has expired. (Verbally counts down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, “Release”). ● Located at scorekeeper table
Spotter (parent/student) Time commitment: 1-1/2 to 2 hrs per game Function: A spotter helps out at the scoreboard operator and scorekeeping table to help track game statistics by calling out player numbers and play (shot, assist, save, goal). ● Arrives no later than 20 minutes prior to game time. ● Usually 2 Spotters are required at each game (one in press box and one at scorekeeping table) ● The Spotters are the eyes of the Scoreboard Operator and Score Keeper and verbally calls out the events on the field. (Examples: Ground Ball #13, Shot-score #23, Shot-Save, etc.) ● Spotters may wish to assist the timer with penalty stop watches, etc.
Concession Stand Operations (parent) Time commitment: 1-1/2 to 2 hrs per game Function: Concession Stand Operations ● Arrives no later than 30 minutes prior to game time. ● Usually 2 concession stand operators per game. ● Open/close concessions inlcuding setup and prep of food items. ● Sales of food items and beveridges during game. Requires handling and accounting of money.

Season Long Volunteer Positons:

Positions Description
Team Parent (team mom/dad) Time commitment: 4 to 6 hrs per week Function: Will serve as liaison between the CBHS board, coaching staff, and parents of the athletes. Helps in the distribution of communication between the club, coach and parents to help facilitate a smooth lacrosse season. ● Coordinate volunteers to help in the running of the team or the club as a whole; e.g.. volunteers to line the fields, act as sideline manager, keep score and time, fundraising efforts. ● Keep the coach organized by helping to disseminate communication to the team parents and/or players. ● Maintain the team equipment: first aid kit, score book, tool box (zip ties, screw driver). ● Manage the inventory of uniforms; distribution, assignment and return from all players. ● Communicate practice and game schedules to parents. Communication may come the coaches, or the board ● Gather required paperwork from players or parents ● Plans and coordinates end of year banquet
Team Manager (student) Time Commitment: 8 to 10 hrs per week Function: Supports team tam parent, coach, and player requirements on gameday and during practice. ● Arrives no later than 30 minutes prior to game time. ● Setup scorekeeper table ● Keeps statics book/score book during games ● Maintains water and distributes during game and practice days. ● Assists coaches and team parent with equipment. ● Assists Game Day coordinator with field prep.
Website Administrator (parent) Time commitment: 2 to 8 hours per week Function: Maintain website including event/game calendar, member database, coaches information, and player information. ● Maintain and improve CBHS Lacrosse website ● Keep website content current including game, coach, player, and sponsor information ● Maintain website security and access permissions
Website Content Contributer (parent/student) Time commitment: Varies, (up to individual) Function: Provide content for website publication ● Provide stories/photos to website admiminstrator for publication ● Player interest stories ● Pre game and/or post game recap/highlights
Concession Stand Coordinator (parent) Time commitment: 2 to 4 hrs per week Function: Ensure concession stand is stocked and ready for gameday. ● Establishes concession stand menu and prices ● Collects and coordinates contributions ● Coordinates concession stand availability for all games. ● Works with game coordinator to ensure volunteers available on gameday ● Ensures all sales proceeds are accoutned for and turned in.
Spirit Wear Coordinator Time commitment: 2 to 4 hrs per week until all merchandise is distributed Function: Manages spirit wear orders. ● Assists with selection of spirit wear logo and vendor ● Manages orders through website or manually. ● Collects payments ● Focal point for distribution of merchandise ● Ensures all sales proceeds are accoutned for and turned in.
Fundrasing Coordinator Time commitment: 0 to 4 hrs per week througout year Function: Manages all fundraising activities ● Fundraising activities include soliciting sponsors, banner sales, bake sales, car washes, dinners, etc. ● Develop fundraising activities and strategies ● Coordinates with website administrator to add sponsors and maintain event calendar ● Recruits parent/player/student volunteers to assist in individual fundraising activities ● Ensures all donations from fundraising activities are accoutned for and turned in.